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I love the atmosphere of old American Christmases, and these classic pickup trucks, along with the beautiful Christmas lights, are an essential part of it.

The painting was created on canvas stretched over a frame and vanished. 

Imádom a régi amerikai karácsonyok hangulatát, és ehhez hozzátartoznak ezek a klasszikus pick up teherautók is, valamint a csodás karácsonyi fények.

Rámára feszített vászonra készült, lakkozva. 

American classic truck with christmas lights

ÁFA beleértve
  • Klaudia Zelenay.

    I'm Klaudia Zelenay from Siófok, Hungary, a tattoo artist and painter. I create using acrylics and soft pastels, and I particularly enjoy combining aquarelle techniques with acrylics. My favorite subjects are animals and plants, and I love capturing specific moods, such as autumn or winter atmospheres. My work is mainly inspired by nature walks, scents, flavors, and music.

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