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JOY belongs to Iryna's new cycle Dandelion’s Stories, which is inspired by the philosophical interpretation of dandelion as a symbol of tenderness and joy, survival and wisdom. Dandelion grows in any soil. Its indomitable thirst for life overcomes any obstacles, and the sunny color of his petals carries confidence and hope. The cycle contains several surrealistic portraits. In JOY bright yellow-orange-blue palette contributes to charismatic image of an old men, and creates an optimistic mood of the overall victory of the sun light. 2023.

Joy (printed copy)

5 610,00$Ár
ÁFA beleértve
  • Iryna Akimova.

    Iryna Akimova is a contemporary Ukrainian artist who lives and works in Kiev. She graduated from Kharkov State University (Ukraine), where she got her PhD degree. She concentrates on studying the roots of the individuality in the formation of subjective perceptions of the reality. She looks at the transformation of individual perceptions and believes into different prints of the same reality. She develops expressionistic style with surrealistic touch to reflect the complexity and non-linearity of human perceptions. Her artworks have philosophical background and contain allegories and an invitation for the viewer to continue the dialogue.. Iryna works with acrylic on canvas and uses multilayer technique, which adds volume to the compositions.
    Iryna had ten solo exhibitions, and took part in 50+ national and international group exhibitions. She received awards at several international art contests. Several her artworks entered museums and private collections in Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia, and China. Iryna is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. She founded Ukrainian Association of Feminine Research in the Arts (UAFRA) and established an annual Womens’ArtFest to advocate gender equality in the arts.

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