Ars Perpetuum
Permanent Art Residency Open Call & Show
January 15
NYC, Suites by NYLO

At the Golden Duck Gallery, we remain committed to the constant evolution of our artists. The key to evolution for every artist is acknowledgement and exposure - this is why we do art after all. We know fighting for it is tough, but with us it is truly worth it!
The Golden Duck Gallery launches
the Ars Perpetuum Open Call to choose the best of the best for an exclusive opportunity!
In the Ars Perpetuum Open Call we choose
to become
in a great location in the very heart of
New York City!
As a result, a stunning number of
16 artworks
shall be transported to New York City
to be permanently exposed in the Suites by NYLO exclusive locations.

Imagine your art being showcased in a luxurious office space with
high-value customers coming in for exclusive medical, beauty and cosmetological services.
Suites by NYLO is your golden ticket
to the hearts & minds
of the high-class clients in New York.
Submission Guidelines Brief:
We search for artists who can present a portfolio of 10 artworks created in a similar style. The artworks should be available for sale. The maximum dimensions should be no bigger than 70 x 50 cm. For more information please read the page.
Your golden art ticket
We are extremely excited to write it down - permanent art residency for 4 artists... The golden dream for so many of us, right. Do you get me right?
Let me explain!
If a person is a permanent resident artist in a venue - a commercial gallery, an art space, an office building, a rental venue - it means that his/her/their art is always displayed at this venue with an opportunity to sell it. If a sale is made, the resident artist has to place another artwork instead of the one that was bought.
If you win this art contest, you will sign a permanent contract with a high-class venue in the very heart of Manhattan.
This means:
No need to search for new places to exhibit further
Permanent and stable business connection
A guaranteed flow of high-value clients that will see your art day by day
High safety for the artworks

Why to submit?
Exclusive clientelle
The Ars Perpetuum Open call gives you unique access to the high-class clients from all over the US.
The exhibition shall not be open to general public, offering a private and exclusive experience for the clients of the Suites by NYLO.
Webshop Awards
Those artworks that will not be chosen for the physical exhibition will undergo a second jury to be selected into the Golden Duck Gallery webshop facilities.
Permanent contract
If you win the Open Call, you will sign a permanent agreement with Suites by Nylo to have permanent exhibition spaces in New York City.
Once your artwork is sold, you have to place another artwork of the same size.
Customer Care
Our colleagues are trained to solve all the issues that might occur. You will never be in a difficult situation on your own.
Gallery location
Located in midtown Manhattan, Suites by Nylo offer unique office spaces for medical companies from all over the US.
This way your art will be visible for all the clients and visitors of the offices.
Secure Payment
The payment for our Open Call is securely handled by the world-famous payment operators Stripe and PayPal.

Submission details
The submission fee is a plain $200 one-time payment which allows to upload a portfolio of 10 artworks.
Please be informed that the Open Call is an art contest. This means your artworks undergo a jury that decides whether the artworks are eligible for the physical or online exhibitions.
The Open Call fee is the administrational fee for running the jury and is not refunded to those artists who do not get their art exhibitied.
A sign-in to your Google Account (Gmail) is necessary to fill out the Google Form collecting the data for the submission. This is the policy of Google Forms.
The submission and shipping deadlines are strict deadlines. Please be informed that exceeding the deadlines might mean your artworks will not make it into the jury and will not be chosen for show. Exceeding the deadline on the artist's side does not make the artist eligible for refund.
The submission for the Ars Perpetuum Open Call runs till January 20, 2025
The results will be announced till February 7, 2025
Shipping to Budapest must be complete by March 10, 2025
Contact information
Due to tight deadlines and short delivery times we ask you to provide us with email and telephone numbers that you can easily check. Our colleagues do their best to reach out if they have any information.
Artistic Conditions
Feel free to submit:
physical & digital paintings,
any type of mixed media
Please note that AI-created art or art co-created with AI should be marked up separately!
All artworks created on workshops or during painting masterclasses are not eligible for the exhibition.
Study copies are allowed.
Specific Limitations
The Ars Perpetuum has the main goal of connecting artists with a specific luxurious venue with special conditions for art placed. So here are the limitations we need to respect due to the special character of the open call.
No artwork can exceed the size of 70 x 50 or 50 x 70 cm.
Artworks that have a glass covering them are not accepted due to high vulnerability during airline shipping
3D artworks are accepted only if the objects exceed the body of the artwork for the max extent of 2 cm
The artworks must not depict any scene of nudity, sexual content, violence or illegal activities.
Bright, colorful and joyful artworks with decorative vibe are welcome
All artworks must arrive in a ready-to-hang condition.
Shipping information
To be shipped to the US, the winning artworks must arrive to Budapest
before March 4, 2025.
Please note, that the artworks arriving at a later date might be denied of physical exhibition!
The Gallery address is:
1092 Hungary, Budapest
Raday utca 31/a
Golden Duck Gallery
US Venue Location:
Suites by NYLO Penn Station,
240 W 37th Street,
New York, NY 10018
If you reside in Hungary:
Please bring the artworks to the Golden Duck Gallery so that our team can check the package and arrange the shipment to the United States.
Please be informed that by the policy of our exclusive partner FedEx, the shipping fees are counted every week separately and depends on fuel prices and other logistical factors. Thus we cannot give any exact figures regarding the shipping prices in March 2025.
If you reside in the EU:
Please contact us on support@goldenduckgallery.com to discuss possible delivery options. You have to decide whether you want to ship the parcel yourself or deliver it to the Golden Duck Gallery for arranging the shipment and making the necessary shipment documentation.
If you reside outside of the EU, in Asia, Africa etc.:
Please contact us on support@goldenduckgallery.com to discuss possible delivery options. You have to decide whether you want to ship the parcel yourself or deliver it to the Golden Duck Gallery for arranging the shipment and making the necessary shipment documentation.
If shipping from outside of the EU, VAT or import customs might be applied on the border. In order to avoid that, please mark the artwork as gift. If the Artist marks it as goods, the Artist shall refund the gallery with the sum of the tax & VAT and pay a 27% administration surcharge.
Artists from the US, Mexico, Canada, South America:
Please contact us on support@goldenduckgallery.com to arrange direct shipment to the venue.
Please note that the artworks must arrive to the US before April 1, 2025.
The US shipping address might be different to the venue location!

Suites by Nylo
Located in the vibrant neighborhood of Midtown Manhattan, Suites by NYLO are conveniently situated near major hospitals, medical centers, and other healthcare facilities. This prime location not only offers easy accessibility for both healthcare providers and patients but also provides a professional and prestigious environment for any healthcare or beauty practice.
We would like to emphasise that clients of businesses located in the Suites arrive from all over the US to get the best possible healthcare services.
Suites by NYLO are dedicated to providing top-notch office spaces tailored specifically for medical professionals in one of the most prestigious locations in the city.
Suites By NYLO team understands the unique needs of healthcare providers and strives to offer a seamless experience when it comes to finding the perfect office space.

New York Nomad Show
Our first success in New York
In January of 2024 the Golden Duck Gallery cooperated with Tobe Roberts, the art curator of many luxurious venues in New York City to create a great 1 year long exhibition.
This is how the
New York Nomad Show
was born.
Overall, we are exhibiting
46 artworks
37 artists
from all over the world.
The New York Nomad show will end in April 2025. Now it can be accessed in the Nomadworks Times Square office building.
We can definitely see that New York City offers a lot of great opportunities for artists from all over the world. We would like our artists to be presented in America in the best possible way, and we will do our best to make new success stories happen.

Written about our work
Szalma Júlia
About ArtDeco 2024
Open Call
Tisztelt Szervezők!
Nagyon szépen köszönöm a lehetőséget, hogy egy ilyen színvonalas kiállításon is részt vehetek. Jól kezdődik ez az év!!!!!! :)
Szívélyes üdvözletem, további jó munkát es sikerekben gazdag Új Esztendőt az egész csapatnak!
Szalma Júlia (Sz. Szabó Júlia)
Anita Jozsef, Hungary
About ChristmArt 2023 Open Call
Thanks for the lovely exhibition, Catherine. Kind regards and cheers. Anita
Nldhi Panwar
About ChristmArt 2023 Open Call
Thank you so much for the opportunity to submit for the show!
Nagy Kálmán
About ArtDeco 2024
Open Call
Nagyon örülök, hogy bejutottam!
Gulyás-Németh Georgina, Hungary
About ChristmArt 2023 Open Call
Nagyon szépen köszönjük a tegnapi kiállítást, minden tiszteletem a 3 nyelven megtartott köszöntőért, kedvességért, profizmusért és hogy a művészek támogatása mellett még jó ügyet is képviselnek a vakvezető kutyák támogatásával!
Nagyon jó érzés volt, hogy saját kutyusomat sem kellett otthon hagyni, nem tudok elég hálás lenni!
Kolozsvári Edit
About ArtDeco 2024
Open Call
Hálásan köszönöm a lehetőséget! Minden nyertesnek és döntősnek, szívből Gratulálok
Thank you very much for the opportunity! Congratulations to all the winners and finalists!
Eva Laszlone Wagner
About ArtDeco 2024
Open Call
Nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy az ArtDeco pályázat nyertesei közé tartozhatok. Nagy elimerés ez nekem. Köszönöm és további bátorítást ad a festéshez.

Submission Guidelines
We have the following types of winners in the Ars Perpetuum Open Call:
Winners are those artworks that won the main prize - the offline physical exhibition opportunity in the Suites by NYLO venue of Penn Station. Along with that, we guarantee the winners' pariticipance in the Ars Perpetuum Open Call Online Exhibition on the Golden Duck Gallery's website and a Winner's Certificate of Participance issued by the Golden Duck Gallery.
Finalists are those participants who did not make their way to the offline physical exhibition opportunity of the Ars Perpetuum. On the contrary, though we guarantee the finalists' pariticipance in the Ars Perpetuum Online Exhibition on the Golden Duck Gallery's website and an Online Exhibitor's Certificate of Participance issued by the Golden Duck Gallery.
Webshop Special Award
The Golden Duck Gallery launches the Webshop Special Award. The Gallery shall choose some artists/artworks from the Finalists of the Ars Perpetuum Open Call to offer exclusive contracts for exhibiting these artworks in the Golden Duck Gallery's webshop facilities.
Technical Conditions
For submitting to the Ars Perpetuum Open Call you will need to provide us with high-quality images of your artwork in JPEG or PNG file format. We do not define a minimum or maximum resolution of the image as different artworks might have different criteria of a high-quality image. Instead we set the maximum size of the file of 10 MB.
Copyright Conditions
You can only submit original artworks created by yourself for the Ars Perpetuum Open Call. In case you are not the author and/or creator of the artwork, please make sure you are eligible for the copyright of the artwork.
As the organiser of the Ars Perpetuum Open Call, the Golden Duck Gallery hereby states that all images collected during the Submission process of this open call will be treated securely and used only with the following intentions:
Running the jury process (the images are organized in spreadsheet and made visible for the jury only and are not accessible for the general public at this point)
For those images that are chosen for exhibition purposes (winners or finalists of the Open Call) will be used in the following ways:
The images will be published to the web page of the online exhibition on the Golden Duck Gallery website.
The images shall be published to the Golden Duck Gallery social media pages, such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok pages for information purposes as stipulated in the main prize conditions.
The images may be used with promotional purposes that include online and offline marketing materials (banner advertisements, search-based advertisements, promoted social media posts and stories, printed flyer ads, newspaper and magazine ads) that promote the Ars Perpetuum Open Call exhibition in the Golden Duck Gallery to its potential visitors.
The images may be used to create a printable & online catalogue of the Ars Perpetuum Open Call and a digestive catalogue containing all the artworks exhibited in a certain period of time (e.g. the catalogue of 2024 or a digest of several years, e.g. 2022-2026)
Please note that the right of the Golden Duck Gallery to use the images for the purpose of promotion and catalogue creation do not result the obligation for the Gallery and its owners to do so.
Please note that by submitting for the Ars Perpetuum Open Call you accept the Copyright Conditions. If you do not want to give your consent to this type of usage, the Golden Duck Gallery reserves its right to deny your participance in the Traveller's Art Fair as the Golden Duck Gallery cannot provide the service as stipulated above.

How the process works
Click the SUBMIT button.
On the webshop page click the Purchase button.
Fill in the necessary information and choose the payment option (Stripe for debit/credit cards or PayPal).
After payment you will receive your confirmation email with the PDF with the link to the submission page.
You can also access the same PDF from your Order successful page that you see after the successful payment.
Simply click the Download button.
Open the downloaded PDF file. Usually this type of files can be opened in a variety of different software. The most popular ones are Google Chrome, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word.
In the opened file click the Complete submission. A webpage will open.
In the opened webpage provide all the necessary information and click the Submit button to complete the submission process.