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New York Nomad Show 2024
Open Call Results

We are happy to announce the Winners & Finalists List of the New York Nomad Show & Open Call. Here you can find the list of all winner artworks & artists. 

Please note that the certificates will be available on this page later.

Choose where to go with the buttons below. Please also consider writing a review on the Open Call if you have any thoughts. 

Winners List
Physical Exhibition

Ester Milentijevic - Depression

Ruth Schmidt - Cheerful Heart

Annkathrin Immler - I am king

Myriam Véjus - Abrasion series AB58 Vermillion Coast, Collioure, Mediterranean Sea, France

Rafail Aliyev - Boy with watermelon

Diana Aliyeva - Meeting with the Queen

Petra Sucic Roje - Friendship

Antal András - Lost Melodies

Platounov Andrei - Easter Egg

Vasyl Netsko - Madonna of Piece

Aleksander Stolicki - KaziKkowe Bajdurzenie

Yurel Lemus Aleman - Contagious joy

Nagy Kálmán - Tihany

Marianna Zsom MD (Mazso) - Kazakh hunting

Marianna Zsom MD (Mazso) - Blue lady

Szilvia Szluka - Mozaik Women

Thomas Schlereth - Accuuulations 1 Light

Veronika Weberová - Proximity

Dósa Róbert - Téli álom - Hibernation

Christine Cézanne-Thauss - Ms. Cool (series Nr. 15)

Mónika Katalin Pál - Aegithalos'Dreamworld

Edit Kolozsvári - Fear

Nikolett Vajna - Intuition

István Máté - Tectonic Plates 2

Judit Szakter - Family connection

dr. Kernya Dorina - Dream VI.

dr. Kernya Dorina - Dream III.

dr. Kernya Dorina - Smoldering cigarette

Vanina Russo - Pop love

Vanina Russo - Mokallístē

Gödri Matilda - Thai Chi

Ms. Anita Jozsef - Winter-way of happiness

Maged Makram - The circus

Gasztonyi Kálmán - Sngle Two

Gasztonyi Kálmán - Single One

Halász Vera - Cím nélkül 2.

Szücs Kata - Hidden Doors 2

Maj-Lis Uller - Aldrig ensam

John Francis Steffen - Androgyny in Orange

Aldéhy - Bulle de Terre

Aldéhy - Innocence

Tímea Hadar - Starbox Coffee

Tímea Hadar - The Bartender

Anastasija Juceviciene - The key to success

Tímea Hadar - The Moment

Tímea Hadar - Tree of Souls

Finalists List
(Online Exhibition Only)

Ivan Bojovic - In motion

Ruth Schmidt - Living Hope

Annkathrin Immler - Coyote

Annkathrin Immler - Roadrunner

Boróka Karda - Középpont

Ildikó Novák - Boat

Petra Sucic Roje - Horse

Petra Sucic Roje - Proboscis Monkey

Wolfgang Graue - Welle-2

Anaïssa Ali and Colin Stewart - Sensual strength

Ujszásziné Gugyerás Veron - Pusztulás

Alf Berht - Kseniia Kotliarova - Inner World

Antal András - Glory

Platounov Andrei - Old Letters

Szalma Ida Júlia (Sz. Szabó Júlia) - Boldness - Merészség

Vasyl Netsko - Transformation

Vasyl Netsko - Equilibrium

Aleksander Stolicki - GONITWA MYŚLI

Balázs Ágnes - Hand

Yurel Lemus Aleman - Havana inside

Kacper Ogaza - A break from mowing the grass

Zasukhina Daria - Intergalactic flowers

Dezső Ilona Anna - Concert

Nagy Kálmán - Lost Albatross

Nagy Kálmán - Radiance

Gaál Magdolna - My fairy rose in the wind

Ildikó Koreny - Fullfillment

Ildikó Koreny - Primeval Chaos - The Birth of the Earth

Ildikó Koreny - Center attraction

Mariela Penkova - The Love is pink

Mariela Penkova - Awakening

dr.Székely Aranka - Longing

Dr Sally Bailey - Punctum

Dr Sally Bailey - Vessel

Klaudia Zelenay - Red

Feith-Göblös Ágnes - Velencei álarcos

Marc Noël - Liberty phase 2 - PREPARING 4

Dora Stork - Tropical Passion I.

Dora Stork - Tropical Passion III.

Szilvia Szluka - The Sadhu

Franciszek Goszczyński - Frank - Rush city

Franciszek Goszczyński - Frank - Antique

Nagy Katalin - Before the sky fall

Thomas Schlereth - Titania

Leszkoven Tamás - Exodus

Wind Mary - Poppy field abstract

Veronika Weberová - Search for truth

Alma Lovrencic - Series. Going into another world, painting 2

Dósa Róbert - Aqua

Petronela Vopy - PetronelART - River´s song

Dósa Horváth Tünde - Blue touch

Dr.Turcsány Edina - Composition I.

Janos Ruppert - Táj napsütésben

Vitos Irén - Free fall

Marian Noémi Eva - Napfelkelte

Mónika Katalin Pál - Spaceweeds

Edit Kolozsvári - (Szabadnak születtem!

Nikolett Vajna - Memories

Nikolett Vajna - Soul Recharge

Nikolett Vajna - Through the Unknown

István Máté - River in the golden Valley

István Máté - Tectonic Plates 4

István Máté - Women in the Wing

Judit Szakter - Színek zizegése - Rustling of Colors

Judit Szakter - Aranyló falu - Golden Village

Judit Szakter - Ellentétes erők - Negative forces

Judit Szakter - Aranyló erek - Golden veins

dr. Kernya Dorina - Dream II.

dr. Kernya Dorina - Dream V.

dr. Kernya Dorina - Aquarina - Soulgarden

dr. Kernya Dorina - Flow

Ágnes Szilágyi - Initiation IV.

Vanina Russo - Coconut camp

259. Coeur Solaire - Rainbow for Sky

OMBKata - Mother Earth

Gödri Matilda - Éhezők Viadala

Gödri Matilda - Ki vagyok Én?

Baka Nóra - Aranyeső

Ms. Anita Jozsef - Seven Heavens

Eva Konya - Color shades of Love (Composition)

Maged Makram - Back to cocoon and the initial roots

Szücs Kata - Vintage Dior

Maj-Lis Uller - Mot stranden

Halász Vera - Kötődés

Frederick Haddox - Sea Turtle new

Gasztonyi Kálmán - Teenage years

Elizabeth Szczygiel -

Elizabeth Szczygiel -

Karina Halpert - Serenity in Silence

Szívós Eszter - Az élet szubsztanciája

Eva Fellner - I am free

Aniko Sarkadi - Summertime

Christina Ayer - Arise

Weigertné Kránitz Gabriella - Ballon-kilátó

Antonella Vella - Mdina - Malta

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14:00 - 19:00

1092 Hungary 
Raday street 31/a

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Lavecoworking Kft. 
Tax number 25552449-2-43
Corporate number: 01 09 281799

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