The 1st Catalogue
Art Catalogue Presentation by Fine Arts Capital

Dear Artists! Art lovers! Dear Collectors!
He is holding the first Art Catalog of the Fine Arts Capital Art Association. It is a great pleasure for me to share this collection of contemporary artists with all those who are participants, creators, patrons, patrons or collectors of contemporary Hungarian art life.
Our aspiration is to manage the artistic and professional value of Hungarian artists at an ever higher level, which is slowly coming to fruition and being realized. You see the result of such exemplary work, which was created not only with the intention of creating tradition, but also to show that there is a community unity and a constructive artistic spirit that elevates and supports its members. It inspires creators to always renew themselves, open their minds, and freely create works that arise from their own, irreproducibly unique world.
And art lovers to get to know these fantastic human and artistic worlds, since there is no performance without an audience. The creative intention and the reception recognition are mutually inspiring and uplifting. It is supportive and life-giving.
We are still at the beginning of the journey, but we have already taken the first important steps. We accepted each other, but at the same time we kept our openness, while with unceasing desire and creativity we build the potential of the possibilities inherent in individual abilities with the power of the community. We are constantly improving our professional competence and take every opportunity to learn. We are proud of the professional successes and exemplary results of our talents. Thank you for being with us and with each new creation, support, or confirmation, you add another line to our community guestbook and contribute to our success. We plan for the long term. Let's bring out the best in ourselves!
-David Norbert, President of Fine Arts Capital Art Association
Artist List:
Béla Balog, Viktória Balogh-Kovács, Györgyi Bors, János Cuci Kovács, Zsuzsa Gyimesi, Tímea Hadar, Ildikó Korény, László Lampert, Tamás Leskoven, Krisztina LÅ‘rincz, Elvira Markó-Radler, György Kálmán Nagy, Dávid Norbert, Ruth Schmidt, Edina Soós, Katalin Szabó, Judit Szakter, Dr. László Székely, Szilvia Terdik, Catherine Váradi
Exhibition dates:
April 10th - May 5th
Grand opening:
April 21st, 5 p.m.
1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 31/b